Contents & Clean-Up


Property Contents

Damage to your property affected by fire, water, or any to that matter, requires the contents inside of the property to be moved and protected, and the spaces to be cleaned — removing debris and damaged materials. A part of McCabe Construction is McCabe Restoration Services which includes our Contents division. This team will clean up the affected areas inside the property prior to the Restoration process, and also thoroughly provide a cleaning after the job is completed. This professional team will move furniture, fixtures, and any items affected from the loss- clothes, food, kitchenware, curtains, anything, you name it! The MRS team will obtain documentation and photos of every single item removed from the property to ensure no items are lost or damaged during the repair process. We know it can be difficult when finding sentimental items or valuables that cannot be restored or salvaged. In those cases, we will do everything in our power to recover as many contents as possible. We will treat your items as their own with proper care, along with sympathy and understanding for the property loss you have endured.

  • Property Contents

  • Clean-Up Before & After Restoration

  • Furniture and Contents Moving

  • Cover and Protect Contents During Restoration

  • Insurance Claim Assistance


Featured Contents Projects

Contents Cleaning

Olive Branch, MS

Contents Restoration

Memphis, TN